Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Headwrap Mania

Word somehow got out at our restaurant that I was making headwraps.  Before I knew it, two of the servers, Sally & Cecily, had placed orders.  Devin told them I'd do it for $10 a piece if they bought their own yarn.  And so began my commissioned knitting career.  In the end I ended up making five, so now I have $50 to spend on yarn, I guess.  Or needles.  I've been eyeing these fancy interchangeable ones.

Cecily's yarn was really chunky yarn, so it was even faster to knit.  I love how much the texture stands out with the thicker yarn, especially on the orange wrap.

They were good sports when I showed up after the lunch rush to take a million pictures of them.

Making all these in a short period of time, I discovered that it's a bit more fun to make stuff for myself or for gifts than it is to mass-produce for cash.  Just a thought.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Gifts #10 & 11: Knit Headwraps

Two of my lovely sisters-in-law, Mary and Anna, were born in February, so I made them each a birthday headwrap.  There were a lot of patterns and ideas online, but this was the most helpful, so I loosely followed it.  Once I got the hang of it, it was pretty quick and easy.  The hardest part was figuring out how to attach the flowers without making the whole thing look weird.

Here is Mary showing off her new accessory, and her new baby Millie (check out that hair)!

And here's a look at the side and back:

As an afterthought, I used leftover yarn to make another wrap for little Millie.  Here's hoping she doesn't grow out of it before I can get it to her.

I bought one skein of yarn for $1.20.  After all three headwraps, I probably still have enough left for another adult-sized one.
The buttons were from my stash, so basically free.
I'd say this takes the cost-effective cake so far.