Friday, January 22, 2010

Making Cards / Am I Crazy?

When a gift isn't reasonable (too far away, or just not in the budget), I still like to acknowledge someone's birthday. So today I hesitantly plunged into the world of card-making. I know plenty of people make cards all the time and do just fine. But I'm just not sure I've got it in me. Anyway, this was the result of my first unguided* attempt (for my 7-year-old niece). I think it turned out alright, but what do I know?

Basically, I'm clueless here, so any help would be appreciated.

*I admit that I used a long-ago-purchased card kit, so I at least knew all the materials were approved by someone who actually knows what she's doing. Except the twine bow. That was my idea.


  1. I love this blog. What a great idea! I am impressed with your commitment to a whole year of homemade giving, and I am especially impressed with your creations thus far.

    As far as crafting inspiration goes, a friend who was recently in my ward has a website I really like:

    She recently competed in a competition called So You Think You're Crafty.
    There are lots of crafty bloggers who competed and I loved stealing ideas from them!

    If I find any other great ideas I'll pass them along. In the meantime, keep up the great work! You are amazing!

  2. I think it's awesome that you're giving all homemade gifts. :) Amy loved her card! :)

  3. i love these...

    here's a thought.
    i have started designing
    blog headers...
    want me to design you one?
    ...just for fun?

    it could be like me
    giving you a homemade gift.

    email me if your
