Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Biting the Bullet: Supplies

If I'm going to make a bunch of cards, I'll need some stuff.  I figured that cardstock, cutesy paper and envelopes were a good start.  I also picked up a two-size rounded-corner paper punch and a set of alphabet stamps.  This stuff is expensive!

fancy paper, 48 sheets: $16
cardstock, 100 sheets: $5 on sale
300 envelopes: $23.98 (buy 200 get 100 free)
round corner punch: $9.99 (yikes!)
alphabet stamps: $7.99
total: $62.96

Ouch.  I will someday invest in a paper cutter too, but I'm borrowing for now.  Hopefully I won't have to buy anything else all year (at least for cards).

I'm new at this, so please clue me in.  What are the must-have supplies?  Where/how do you get good prices? Help!


  1. so worth it!
    where did you go?
    i am such a huge
    fan of ben franklin crafts...
    it's sort of a craft
    wonderland and i
    almost go into fits of
    excitement everytime
    i walk through the doors.

  2. We had a beautiful, huge, and *horribly* expensive (~$90) corner cutter at the library at which I worked doing book conservation. I loved those rounded corners, but no way was I gonna spend that kind of money at home.
    My solution: as long as the corners don't need to be too big, I have had great success with two perfect implements, a regular nail clipper, and a toenail clipper!
    Cost (as I already had them) $0.00
    Feel-good effect: 10/10
