Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mama Gift: Activity Clock

I need a better name for this clock.  Any ideas?

A couple months ago I was whining to my mom about my 2-year-old.  At any given time, Ben would resist whatever I said we were going to do, and ask to watch a movie instead.

My wise mother suggested that I make some kind of clock or schedule so there would be a visual aid when I announced "It's nap time!"  Since Ben doesn't know the difference, I wouldn't have to assign actual times and stick to a real schedule.  It can be whatever time I need it to be, really.  Brilliant!

How to make this clock:

  • Buy a kinda cute, kinda not kids clock from the dollar store.

  • Remove clock hands.  Peel off the paper face and use it to trace a new one on cute paper.  Glue cute paper to clock with Mod Podge.
  • Forget to take a photo at this point.
  • Photograph items that represent things to do during a normal day.  Load onto computer and print them really small (about 1" x 1" for mine).
  • Cut out pictures and glue them where the numbers would be.  Brush on a top coat or two of Mod Podge for a nice glossy look.

  • Wish, just a little, that you'd had the patience to cut circular pictures, or at least put them on more straight (darn fast-drying glue).
  • Reattach hands and hang clock somewhere prominent.
  • Thank yourself as your two-year-old gets excited about Clean-up Time because he interpreted it from his new clock.

In case you're curious, these are the pictures I used:
  1. Stuffed lamb that Ben sometimes sleeps with (nap time)
  2. Toy truck (play time)
  3. Ben's little table (office time - when I work on the computer and he "works" close by, coloring, etc.)
  4. Apron (help Mama time - usually with dinner, but could be anything, I guess)
  5. Books (reading time)
  6. Shampoo, washcloth and bath toy (bath time)
  7. Pajamas (bed or get-ready-for-bed time)
  8. Toys IN the basket (clean-up time)
  9. Plastic dishes (eating time)
  10. Shirt and pants (time to get dressed)
  11. Puzzles (school time - when we sit down together and play with special games/toys and learn stuff)
  12. Monsters, Inc. DVD (movie time)

Cost: $1 for the clock.  That's it.

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