Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sending My Love

When I saw these cards at MADE (thanks Melanie for my new obsession), I had to try them.  So a set of valentine cards was born.  It is surprisingly hard to sew in the shape of a heart.  And let it be known that felt is easier to sew around than stretchy t-shirt scraps.  MUCH easier.

Cost: I used cloth scraps and cardstock from my new supply, so the only cost was $0.58 for purple and pink felt.


  1. i adore these!

    fancy job!

    last year i made
    some little open-ended
    envelopes to put
    heart cookies in but
    since i don't sew
    i just stapled the
    heck out of them...
    point is...sewing
    them would have been
    way cuter.

  2. very cute! thanks for sharing with me!
    upload your pic to our flickr group:
